Change for Life

The Change for Life website contains some fantastic resources for schools.  Ideas to get children active throughout the school day and 10 minute fun games.  In addition healthy eating lesson plans.  If you would like to set up your own Change for Life club in school please get in touch for support. 

Our Healthy Year Resources.

Create a healthier school culture with ideas for the whole school and curriculum-linked activities for Reception and Year 6 pupils in the year that they are weighed and measured.  See link below:

Our Healthy Year booklet


10 minute shake up and playground activities.  See link below:

sports clubs

Change4Life is a national health initiative that supports children, schools and families to be active, eat well and lead healthy lifestyles. The initiative has been rolled out across the city based on set criteria around childhood obesity levels to over 100 Leeds schools. These schools received a resource bag and training.

As part of the wider agenda around physical activity and health and well being, we are now looking to extend this programme across all primary schools in the city.

This offer will include training, support and guidance around setting up a Change4Life club targeting inactive children in school.

The key elements of this club are:

  • Changing behaviour

  • School led and meeting school needs

  • Delivered before, during or after the school day

  • Involves young leadership opportunities

  • Complements other health initiatives within the school

  • Aimed at building confidence and ownership in terms of leading a sustained healthy lifestyle

This opportunity can be accessed as part of the Active Schools offer of two hours free bespoke support or as purchased support. The offer can be tailored to individual schools or a cluster/family and would cover training of staff ( lead person and deliverer) and young leaders.

To request support contact your SGO or Jill Wilkinson. Once you have requested support from the Active Schools Team you will be contacted to discuss your detailed requirements and any practicalities such as dates, timing and content.

*Nationally, 'less-active' tends to refer to children who do not undertake the recommended daily minimum of 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity.

What sports are involved?

Currently there are five themes that take their influence from a range of sports:

  • Adventure: canoeing, cycling, orienteering, rowing, sailing

  • Combat: boxing, fencing, judo, taekwondo, wrestling

  • Creative: cheerleading, diving, gymnastics, jump rope, swimming

  • Flight: cricket, handball, rounders, softball, ultimate frisbee, volleyball

  • Target: archery, boccia, bowls, goalball, golf, fencing

Benefits to the school

Change4Life Sports Clubs are proving to have a significant impact on many whole school priorities such as behaviour, attendance and attainment. They also provide schools with a vehicle for developing a sense of belonging, confidence and competence in young people. This can translate to other aspects of school life and priorities, such as special educational needs and the Pupil Premium.

Obesity Strategy

To view the strategy, find useful resources and posters follow the link below: