60 Active Minutes
Physical Activity Target
The Department of Health guidelines for physical activity recommend that children aged 5-18yrs should aim to be active for at least 60 minutes each day across the week. 30 of these minutes need to be covered by primary schools through active lessons, extra curricular, short bursts of activity or during PE lessons.
All Schools need to identify and target their least active children. Consider your vulnerable children; SEND, BAME and low socio -economic groups. Finding out which children participates the least in extra curricular provision, sports competitions and providing further opportunities for them. It is always a good idea to ask children what activities they enjoy and give them realistic options on what you can provide. Alternative activities such as dance, golf and multi skills may be a good place to start. All schools should be providing an extra curricular club (before school, lunch time or after school) to cater for their least active children.
It is also a good idea to embed nutritional education into these sessions. You can access the Change for Life resources on this website which contain 5/ 10 minute games such as 'sugar swap' . It is great if children are then encouraged to share what they have learnt each week with parents and carers.